Let’s know exactly about the Ceylon Cinnamon grades.

Let’s know exactly about the Ceylon Cinnamon grades.

Cinnamon is a unique spice that goes from Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) to the world. This is called “true” Cinnamon, which has been Sri Lankan proud heritage for centuries, currently exports over 18,700 metric tons a year and earns over 38,200 million Sri Lankan rupees in foreign assets. The vast majority of Cinnamon exports are processed Cinnamon peels. So in this article we are going to share you about these cinnamon peel products and their forms that are being prepared for the market along with the Cinnamon crushing function. It is very important that you have an accurate knowledge of these cinnamon grades if you are engaged in any industry related to cinnamon.

1. Cinnamon sticks (Whole sticks) – Quills

In well-ripened cinnamon stalks, the outer bark is peeled off and the inner bark is stacked on top of each other. The inside hole should be filled with small pieces of the same type of cinnamon and air dried.

The length of the hook is approx. Should be 105cm (42 inches). Cinnamon sticks are graded from the Alba grade to the Hamburg range as shown in the table below. The most widely exported are cinnamon bales made from these whole cinnamon sticks.

* Rough
These are the reddish-brown spots that form on the surface of cinnamon sticks. These can then turn into dark brown spots. The spots on the surface may be “flower-scaly” or scaly, strongly spreading into the bark. Here the maximum corrugation percentage is determined by external observation.

2. Cut Cinnamon sticks – Cut Quills

Cinnamon sticks are cut to a certain length and shortened. The whole Cinnamon sticks are graded as such.

3. Cinnamon sticks (broken parts of whole sticks) – Quillings

The whole cinnamon sticks are broken into pieces of various sizes and lengths. Less than 200mm parts and flakes fall under this. It can contain up to 5% by weight featherine and bark. Other external material should not contain more than 2%.

4. Featherings 

Cinnamon sticks are small pieces that break off from the cinnamon bark during preparation. It can contain up to 10% by weight of bark. Other external material should not contain more than 2%.

5. Chips 

This is the name given to the mature, hard, indistinguishable outer bark mixed with brown bark. This can not be saved from the sticks so the exploits must be separated. It should not contain more than 2% of other external substances.

6. Cinnamon Powder 

Powder obtained from ground cinnamon free from external impurities.

7. Whole Cinnamon

All cinnamon peel products on the market except cinnamon powder are called whole cinnamon.

8. Cinnamon Bales

This is a bundle of cinnamon sticks of the same grade, tied together with a suitable material for export. The height and weight of this hammer must conform to the standards. Height 105cm and weight  shall be 25kg or 45kg.

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